Events — Our Smile Project

The Mindful Artist: Grateful Living
6:00 PM18:00

The Mindful Artist: Grateful Living

  • The Retreat, event space in The Park Apartments (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello Mindful Artists!  

The focus for our seventh session (and FINAL session for 2015) is about how to live in a state of gratitude no matter what life throws our way. Oftentimes, we don't realize that we already have everything we need and to get more of what we want, showing gratitude for what is presently in our lives can have a powerful way in how we go about achieving our goals. Check out the sign up form and agenda below. See you there! 


It's time to create and meditate! Calling all creative folks, new as well as seasoned, to join us for The Mindful Artist, a free event in Irvine, CA from 6-7 PM every other Wednesday of the month.

Each meeting will vary but generally this is how it flows: 

  • Intros & intentions (10 minutes)
  • Guided opening meditation (15)
  • Creative writing prompt: Journals available or bring your own (10)
  • Break off into partners and share our work (stories, paintings, that day's writing prompt, etc.) for feedback (20) 
  • Closing thoughts (5)

**Don't forget to add this event to your gCal by clicking on the link below the event information. 

Join a lively group of writers, yogis and startup founders who come together to let our creativity flow in a welcoming and calm environment. To maintain this environment and ensure open sharing, group size will be limited to 15 members.

We will be meeting at the event space called The Retreat in The Park Apartments located right off I-5 and I-405. Underground garage guest parking is free and plentiful. 

If you have any questions, please send them to or call 734.276.3657. 

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: My name is Mini Mukherjee and I'm an OC newbie looking to bring together cool creative folks in the area. I have a background building and working for startups, and now I write uplifting and motivational short stories on my website as well as for entrepreneurship-focused sites. With a Hindu upbringing and a longtime practicing Siddha Yogi, meditating has been a daily practice since I was a child. Most recently, meditation has helped me stay focused and push past a lot of self-doubt as a writer and artist. This made me wonder whether others were dealing with the same challenges. When I couldn't find a group pairing meditation and creative writing in the OC area, I decided to start The Mindful Artist. Feel free to shoot me a note anytime at themindfulartist [at] Hope to see you at our next session!

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The Mindful Artist: Defining Your Core Beliefs
6:00 PM18:00

The Mindful Artist: Defining Your Core Beliefs

  • The Retreat, event space in The Park Apartments (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello Mindful Artists!  

The focus for our sixth session is to get a better understanding of our beliefs and how they shape our actions and thoughts. Our thoughts have the power to limit or free us. Check out the sign up form and agenda below. See you there! 


It's time to create and meditate! Calling all creative folks, new as well as seasoned, to join us for The Mindful Artist, a free event in Irvine, CA from 6-7 PM every other Wednesday of the month.

Each meeting will vary but generally this is how it flows: 

  • Intros & intentions (10 minutes)
  • Guided opening meditation (15)
  • Creative writing prompt: Journals available or bring your own (10)
  • Break off into partners and share our work (that day's writing prompt, developed stories, paintings, etc) for feedback (20) 
  • Closing thoughts (5)

**Don't forget to add this event to your gCal by clicking on the link below the event information. 

Join a lively group of writers, yogis and startup founders who come together to let our creativity flow in a welcoming and calm environment. To maintain this environment and ensure open sharing, group size will be limited to 15 members.

We will be meeting at the event space called The Retreat in The Park Apartments located right off I-5 and I-405. Underground garage guest parking is free and plentiful. 

If you have any questions, please send them to or call 734.276.3657. 

See you soon!

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: My name is Mini Mukherjee and I'm an OC newbie looking to bring together cool creative folks in the area. I have a background building and working for startups, and now I write uplifting and motivational short stories on my website as well as for entrepreneurship-focused sites. With a Hindu upbringing and a longtime practicing Siddha Yogi, meditating has been a daily practice since I was a child. Most recently, meditation has helped me stay focused and push past a lot of self-doubt as a writer and artist. This made me wonder whether others were dealing with the same challenges. When I couldn't find a group pairing meditation and creative writing in the OC area, I decided to start The Mindful Artist. Feel free to shoot me a note anytime at themindfulartist [at] Hope to see you at our next session!

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The Mindful Artist: Finding Identity as a Creator
6:00 PM18:00

The Mindful Artist: Finding Identity as a Creator

  • The Retreat, event space in The Park Apartments (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello Mindful Artists!  

The focus for our fifth session is to explore the different and sometimes limiting identities or "boxes" we incorporate to define ourselves through meditation and writing. We will discuss how our creativity greatly benefits when we break through these boxes and allow ourselves to play freely. Check out the sign up form and agenda below. See you there! 


It's time to create and meditate! Calling all creative folks, new as well as seasoned, to join us for The Mindful Artist, a free event in Irvine, CA from 6-7 PM every other Wednesday of the month.

Each meeting will vary but generally this is how it flows: 

  • Intros & intentions (10 minutes)
  • Guided opening meditation (15)
  • Creative writing prompt: Journals available or bring your own (10)
  • Break off into partners and share our work (that day's writing prompt, developed stories, paintings, etc) for feedback (20) 
  • Closing thoughts (5)

**Don't forget to add this event to your gCal by clicking on the link below the event information. 

Join a lively group of writers, yogis and startup founders who come together to let our creativity flow in a welcoming and calm environment. To maintain this environment and ensure open sharing, group size will be limited to 15 members.

We will be meeting at the event space called The Retreat in The Park Apartments located right off I-5 and I-405. Underground garage guest parking is free and plentiful. 

If you have any questions, please send them to or call 734.276.3657. 

See you soon!

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: My name is Mini Mukherjee and I'm an OC newbie looking to bring together cool creative folks in the area. I have a background building and working for startups, and now I write uplifting and motivational short stories on my website as well as for entrepreneurship-focused sites. With a Hindu upbringing and a longtime practicing Siddha Yogi, meditating has been a daily practice since I was a child. Most recently, meditation has helped me stay focused and push past a lot of self-doubt as a writer and artist. This made me wonder whether others were dealing with the same challenges. When I couldn't find a group pairing meditation and creative writing in the OC area, I decided to start The Mindful Artist. Feel free to shoot me a note anytime at themindfulartist [at] Hope to see you at our next session!

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The Mindful Artist: Ignite Your Creative Spark
6:00 PM18:00

The Mindful Artist: Ignite Your Creative Spark

  • The Retreat, event space in The Park Apartments (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello Mindful Artists!  

The focus for our fourth session is meditating and working through writing exercises to explore the critical role that enthusiasm plays in our lives as mindful creators. Check out the sign up form and agenda below. See you there! 


It's time to create and meditate! Calling all creative folks, new as well as seasoned, to join us for The Mindful Artist, a free event in Irvine, CA from 6-7 PM every other Wednesday of the month.

Each meeting will vary but generally this is how it flows: 

  • Intros & intentions (10 minutes)
  • Guided opening meditation (15)
  • Creative writing prompt: Journals available or bring your own (10)
  • Break off into partners and share our work (that day's writing prompt, developed stories, paintings, etc) for feedback (20) 
  • Closing thoughts (5)

**Don't forget to add this event to your gCal by clicking on the link below the event information. 

Join a lively group of writers, yogis and startup founders who come together to let our creativity flow in a welcoming and calm environment. To maintain this environment and ensure open sharing, group size will be limited to 15 members.

Snacks and beverages will be provided. We will be meeting at the event space called The Retreat in The Park Apartments located right off I-5 and I-405. Underground garage guest parking is free and plentiful. 

If you have any questions, please send them to or call 734.276.3657. 

See you soon!

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: My name is Mini Mukherjee and I'm an OC newbie looking to bring together cool creative folks in the area. I have a background building and working for startups, and now I write uplifting and motivational short stories on my website as well as for entrepreneurship-focused sites. With a Hindu upbringing and a longtime practicing Siddha Yogi, I have been meditating since I was a child. Meditation has most recently helped me stay focused and push past a lot of self-doubt as a writer. This made me wonder whether others were dealing with the same challenges. When I couldn't find a group pairing meditation and writers in the OC area, I decided to start The Mindful Artist to help and connect with others. Feel free to shoot me a note @ anytime. Hope to see you at our next session!

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The Mindful Artist: Cultivate Creative Abundance
6:00 PM18:00

The Mindful Artist: Cultivate Creative Abundance

  • The Retreat, event space in The Park Apartments (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello Mindful Artists!  

The focus for our third session is meditating and working through writing exercises to help cultivate and acknowledge the creative abundance that already exists in our lives. Check out the agenda and sign up below. 


It's time to create and meditate! Calling all creative folks, new as well as seasoned, to join us for The Mindful Artist, a free event in Irvine, CA from 6-7 PM every other Wednesday of the month.

Each meeting will vary but generally this is how it flows: 

  • Intros & intentions (10 minutes)
  • Guided opening meditation (15)
  • Creative writing prompt: Journals available or bring your own (10)
  • Break off into partners and share our work (that day's writing prompt, developed stories, paintings, etc) for feedback (20) 
  • Closing thoughts (5)

**Don't forget to add this event to your gCal by clicking on the link below the event information. 

Join a lively group of writers, yogis and startup founders who come together to let our creativity flow in a welcoming and calm environment. To maintain this environment and ensure open sharing, group size will be limited to 10 members.

Snacks and beverages will be provided. We will be meeting at the event space called The Retreat in The Park Apartments located right off I-5 and I-405. Underground garage guest parking is free and plentiful. 

If you have any questions, please send them to or call 734.276.3657. 

See you soon!

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: My name is Mini Mukherjee and I'm an OC newbie looking to bring together cool creative folks in the area. I have a background building and working for startups, and now I write uplifting and motivational short stories for my website as well as entrepreneurship-focused sites. With a Hindu upbringing and a longtime practicing Siddha Yogi, I have been meditating since I was a child. Meditation has most recently helped me stay focused and push past a lot of self-doubt as a writer. This made me wonder whether others were dealing with the same challenges. When I couldn't find a group pairing meditation and writers in the OC area, I decided to start The Mindful Artist to help and connect with others. Feel free to shoot me a note @ anytime. Hope to see you at our next session!

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